Do not use any shampoos or conditioners that contain protein, sulphates, keratin or products with a high alcohol content

Concentrate shampoo on one’s scalp rather than extensions

Concentrate conditioner mainly on mid lengths and extensions rather than scalp

Using high moisture products and masks will help maintain the long jevity of your extensions

Moisturising oils may be applied daily to ends and mid lengths of extensions

Brush hair daily using a hair care extension brush to avoid tangling

Always apply heat protection to hair and extensions before any heat services or styling

Dry hair on medium to low heat gently

Sleep with hair in a low or loose plate to avoid tangling

Do not bleach hair extensions, rather use a semi permanent dye and only to go a darker Colour if you wish to go lighter please seek professional stylist advice

Do not sleep on wet extensions

Always rince hair after swimming in chlorine or salt water to avoid damage to extensions

Do not have the hair near SPF or tanning lotions, oils or sunscreens as this may alter the colour or lifespan of your extensions

Hair extensions of all methods require atleast a 8-10 week retape or move- up this helps maintain the natural state of your own hair and the extensions, any longer may result in tangling and knotting

Do not over wash your extensions, once a week or every 3/4 days is sufficient