At IINCHS we supply an extensive range of premium quality Russian hair extensions.

Expertly sourced and tested by profesionals in the industry to offer the softest most luxurious hair.

With over 10 years of experience within the hair industy and having worked with a multitude of suppliers, we were able to develop a unique curation process to aquire only the highest quality Russian hair.

At IInchs we guarantee that your hair extensions wont slip , shed or matte. providing you follow our simple care instructions.

Aim to invest in higher quality

When it comes to finding premium quality hair that is long-lasting and looks totally natural, it’s important not to be persuaded by the cheaper (yet much lower quality) options out there. 

When you add length and volume to your hair, you want to be able to heat style it, enjoy it for as long as possible and have it look like it’s your own. For the best products in the market, it’s a good idea to save up to invest in hair extensions supplies of the highest quality - that way, you can get the most wear out of the product as possible, and essentially the most value! As the popular saying goes - you get what you pay for, and this is certainly true when it comes to quality hair extensions supplies. 

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